Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I am happy to announce that my business "Sleeping Fox Photography" was hired by a local dance company to travel all over the country, and photograph dancers. I will miss my husband, and dogs when I am gone on the weekends, but I so excited to have this opportunity. I start at the end of January, and the job lasts until May.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Rainy Day

I havn't had much time to take photos lately, and as I sit here on this rainy day I can't help but miss it. I know that winter is coming, and as Michigan begins to transform into its bright oranges, and reds I am full of inspiration.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

First post

This is my first post to a blog ever!

My name is Tiffany Weiss. I own a small photography business called Sleeping Fox Photography. While working on my Facebook page, and trying to build a small website at the same time I thought I might start a blog as well. I hope to post on here regularly.